On this page, we have provided a direct download link for the Micromax Bharat 5 Stock Firmware ROM (flash file). The Firmware Package contains Flash Tool, Driver, Flash File, and Instructions manual to flash it.
Micromax Bharat 5 Stock Firmware (Flash File)
The Micromax Firmware provided below can be used to upgrade or downgrade the Stock Firmware of your Micromax Mobile Device and resolve any software-related, bootloop, or IMEI-related issues that may arise during usage, making it essential for maintaining your device.
File Name: Micromax_Bharat_5_171108_7.0_CPB.zip
File Size: 1 GB
How to Flash (install): Follow Guidelines
File Size: 1 GB
How to Flash (install): Follow Guidelines
File Size: 1 GB
How to Flash (install): Follow Guidelines
File Size: 1.4 GB
How to Flash (install): Follow Guidelines
How to Flash or install the Firmware (Flash File)
- Download the Micromax Bharat 5 Stock firmware package onto your computer and extract it.
- Once you have extracted the firmware package, you will have access to the Flash Tool, USB Driver, Flash File, and a How-to Flash Manual.
- Install the provided USB driver on your computer. If the USB drivers are already installed, you can skip this step.
- Launch the YGDP Flash Tool on your Computer.
- Follow the instruction manual to flash the firmware on your Micromax Bharat 5 device.
Readme Once:
[*] Download YGDP Tool: If you are looking for the latest version of YGDP Flash Tool, then check out the YGDP Flash Tool page.
[*] Backup: Before flashing the above firmware, make sure to take a backup of all your data since the process will permanently remove (delete) it.
[*] Micromax has officially released the above firmware (ROM), which we have scanned for viruses/malware using Norton AntiVirus Plus. You can also use Norton AntiVirus Plus to scan your computer for viruses/malware.